The Sonoma County Medical Association is excited to introduce DocBookMD®. By partnering with DocBookMD®, we can offer a next-generation HIPAA-compliant multimedia communication tool exclusively to our members.

DocBookMD® is a smartphone platform created by physicians for physicians. It enables physicians to connect, communicate and collaborate within their local medical community.

DocBookMD® is available for iPod, iPad, iPod Touch and is now on the Android platform.

DocBook features include...

On-Demand Messaging
  • Send and receive instant HIPAA-compliant messages
  • Set message priority - Get a 5 min, 15 min or normal response time
Multi-Media Collaboration
  • Send and receive high resolution images, such as X-rays, EKG's or wounds.
Fast Look-up of Physicians
  • A directory of your County Medical Association colleagues.

GET STARTED - It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Registration for DocBookMD is simple and can be completed right on your mobile device.

DocBookMD® is provided at no charge to all SCMA members thanks to the generosity of NORCAL Mutual Insurance Company and its continuous support of organized medicine.