
Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for answers? Start here.

If you have a question not covered here, please email our support team or call (512) 468-2070.

General Questions

Can any physician have access to DocBookMD?

Currently, a physician may register with DocBookMD only if he or she is a medical society member.

Can I use DocBookMD on more than one device?

DocBookMD supports up to 2 devices per account: One phone (iPhone or Android) and one non-phone (iPad or iPod touch.)
Note: Currently DocBookMD is not available for Android tablet devices.

To set up a second device:

STEP 1: Download the DocBookMD app onto your second device from the iTunes App Store or Android Market.

STEP 2: Type in the same email address and same password you use for your first device log in.

How do I start using DocBookMD?

Download the free app from the App Store or the Android Market. Once it is downloaded, open up the app and it will guide you through the easy registration process. (You will need to have your medical society ID number handy. If you do not know your number, contact your medical society for assistance.)

Once you’ve finished registration you can go right ahead and start using DocBookMD to contact your colleagues.

For a tutorial video of the download and registration process, click HERE.

How much does DocBookMD cost?

DocBookMD is FREE for all physicians belonging to partnering Medical Societies that have a current sponsor.

If your Medical society is not listed, please contact us at [email protected]

Is the DocBookMD app free?

DocBookMD is free to all physicians who are members of medical societies with a current sponsor.

If a medical society does not have a sponsor, DocBookMD will work with a society to secure sponsorship, or occasionally we will take over sponsorship. Please contact our sponsorship coordinators at [email protected] for further details.

What exactly does the DocBookMD app do?

DocBookMD helps physicians save time and prevent delays at Point-of-Care.

Features include:

  • On-Demand Messaging: Send and receive instant, secure, HIPAA-compliant messages from your medical society colleagues.
  • Set message priority: Get a 5 min., 15 min., or normal response time.
  • Multi-Media Collaboration: Send and recieve high resolution images of X-rays, EKGs or wounds.
  • Fast look-up of physicians
  • Your medical society directory at your fingertips.
  • Directory of local pharmacies and hospitals.

Click here to view tutorial videos of our features.

What if I have trouble registering?

  1. Make sure your Medical Society membership is up to date.
  2. Verify your Medical Society member ID number by contacting your society.
  3. Make sure you have entered the correct username and password into the iPhone given to you by DocBookMD.
  4. If you are still having trouble or are having a different problem, click HERE for support.
  5. To view tutorial videos on how to register, click the links iPhone/iPad or Android.

About the App

Can I have my nurse or physician assistant put a copy of DocBookMD on their device?

No. DocBookMD is exclusively available to physicians at present.

We are working on technology to allow nurses and assistants to be allowed limited access to DocBookMD services: watch this space!

How do I add new data like alternate phone or e-mail?

In the upper right hand corner of each physician’s info page, you will see an Edit button.

Click on it and scroll down to add new information. Add the new details and hit return.

The data will be saved, but will not be published to the rest of the society’s users. (Note - this feature is currently only supported on iPhone/iPad)

How do I update to the latest physician data?

For iPhone/iPad:

Click More, choose Data Refresh, then hit Refresh Data.

For Android:

Click Menu, then click Update Directory.

Your device will update to the latest data, usually in a couple of minutes depending on the strength of your device’s connection.

My personal information has changed or is incorrect - how do I update it?

Only your medical society can edit your personal information such as membership ID or contact details.

Please contact your medical society to update your details on their database. We will update usually within 24 hours after they have made any changes.

Why can’t I receive messages from my colleagues?

You may have the option to receive messages switched off.

To switch messaging on, go to More , then Options, then switch On to Accept Messages.

If you are still having trouble, please contact us at [email protected]

Medical Society

Is it necessary to transfer our physicians’ data to DocBookMD and is this data protected?

In order to provide your members with a county directory of physicians to connect to on the app, it is necessary to transfer data to our server. This is accomplished via a CSV file of member data. We also include your county’s hospital and pharmacy data.

Meg Valentine, heading our IT department, will be happy to assist and answer any questions regarding this process. She can be reached at [email protected] .

Once DocBookMD has our member data up and running on the app, what comes next?

Once the medical society data is set up in the DocBookMD system, your society is ready to go.
We assist you in starting awareness about DocBookMD through multiple channels. We help you integrate information about the app on your website, coordinate awareness email campaigns with you, provide you with marketing materials, and in some cases plan launch events.

We work with you to have as many of your members as possible register for DocbookMD and actively use it. The more users, the more value for each physician on board. For the doctor it’s easy: Just register with his or her medical society number and download the app!

What makes DocBookMD HIPAA compliant?

DocBookMD messages are secure and HIPAA compliant. All messages are sent and stored on our servers using high grade encryption. Also,messages are not stored in the permanent memory of your device, so if your phone is ever lost or stolen, simply notify us, and we will deactivate your account so your patient messages remain confidential.

Additionally, all physicians using DocBookMD messaging are required to sign a HIPAA business service agreement, outlining our data protection and the responsibilities of all parties to keep patient information confidential.